I'm back with another version of Flashback Friday...
I'd love to see your earliest scrapbook page!!! Notice that I didn't type 'first blogged scrapbook page'....muwahahaha....hold on you non-scrapbookers...there is something in it for you...read on..
For those of you that have been following me would know that I just started scrapbooking again this year. My original scrapbooking journey started about the year 2000. I searched through my old albums and found a page that I could post...mostly because so many of my older pages had my kids' names plastered on it...that's something that I don't post on my blog...I refer to them as my kidlets...my girl...my boy:)
I was using bright colors even back then...
I definitely did more journaling then vs now....wtheck tho...no date...grrr....
OMG, my kidlets are soooooo little...10 years ago'ish....3 & 5'ish....
I didn't even know about sketches back then....haha....good grief!
Okay, here's my latest layout....
I had a wonderful time with this layout...a happy pic of me & my boy...October Afternoon...new stamps...what could be better?!!!
I knew I wanted to use the latest Creative Scrappers layout challenge:
- Okay, here it is....post your earliest layout on your blog and link it back here via the comments section....Peeps, when I say post it, I mean re-post it..not leaving me the link from the past...
- Post a brand new layout with your current style and hoarded materials...LOL....
- IF you currently aren't a scrapbooker, I challenge you to post your 1st layout...come on, take the plunge!!!!! You know what the beauty of scrapbooking is? It is something that you can keep for yourself....something different from cardmaking....it can be a keepsake....
I mentioned that I used new stamps...I discovered some sweet Teresa Collins stamps...they rock...I used the Freestyle set in my new layout. They ink up like a dream and I thought I'd share a new Teresa Collins Giving Thanks set as blog candy for some lucky person that plays along with Flashback Friday 2.0!
Isn't it a gorgeous set....oh boy, so tempted to keep it for myself...grrr...lol......
I'll give you until:
Friday, September 17th @ 11:59 pm PDT to link up.
I had such a fun time last time that I can't wait to see what you share with me this time...old and new....woot woot!!!!
Okie dokie chickies.....have a super duper friday!!!! Thanks for all the wonderful comments about my card from yesterday and about my new bloggie banner...it makes me smile everytime I see it and so did reading all your sweet comments!!!