I keep telling myself I need to start up the 'ole Scrappy Saturday posts again so here I am....
this is my life
I gotta be honest with you...I do love my life.
With the economy the way that it has been...I'm so very grateful for a ton of stuff.
I did some online shopping a couple of weeks ago...it's when I picked up that cute MLS Aiko Collection and also the Up in the Trees collection...I couldn't resist that sweet woodgrain paper...did you see the hearts...OY.
I managed to combine both collections on this layout...the pic is compliments of the boy...it was taken last summer at his birthday party...that's pretty much me...sunglasses and all.
So, tell me, what are YOU lovin' about your life...right now....Leave me a comment and I'll pick one out of the bunch and send you some scrappy goodies...I'll give you until Sunday at 11:59 pm pacific daylight savings {ugh I think we're spring forward this sunday? YIPES...losing one hour of sleep?!}....I'll post the winner on Monday...