Happy Sunday!
I'm just popping in here really quick to share this pub reject:
I was able to squeak out 2 pub subs but neither of them were picked up. That's okay...I still enjoyed the creative proces AND I always love socking them away for a day that I don't have anything to share:)
I super adore this Crate chickie...she is just way too cute.
Did you see Paper Issues' new challenge?
Yup, you guessed it.
Lookie at the fab prize
Makes a girl happy dontcha think?
Check out the new challenge HERE.
Check this out:
I just pinned my 1,000 pin....way too fun.
Have you all been enjoying the Summer CHA sneaks peeks? *sigh*...so many new collections that are calling my name...
This is going to be a super busy week on my blog....I'll be sharing my last guestie post for Lawnscaping, The Craft's Meow Sneaks start AND I have a fun announcement for later on this week...