So guess what?
My blogaversary came and went a couple days ago.
November 6, 2007
Wow, 7 years, already?
7 y e a r f l a s h b a c k
I posted this card on November 11, 2007.
Something's don't change much, eh? <-- coffee
...and something's do <-- I hope you agree that my photography has gotten better!
So, truthfully, I do have some goodies to throw out there but I have a small window of photog opportunity and totally missed it yesterday {because, why would I have taken the pic over the weekend? ::shaking my head::)
♡I promise you, it's good♡
edited to add photos:
Jubilee goodies
Kraft & Gold Goodies
I challenge you:
- Link up a project from your first year of blogging
So, I linked up mine from November 11, 2007...
- In the comments section, tell me what has changed and something that hasn't.
Have fun!
Commenting will be open until Tuesday, November 18, 2014
I'll draw for 2 random winners!