Simon Says Stamp : STAMPtember with SugarPea Designs

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click HERE for the Reverse Confetti September Countdown to Confetti - Day One.

click HERE for the Hero Arts September My Monthly Hero Blog Hop + Giveaway!

STAMPtember® is here and SugarPea Designs has an exclusive set!  Check it out:

Eep!  How cute is the new Koality Time set?!  I ADORE it!  Here's how I was inspired:

That Momma and her baby are adorable, aren't they?!  I had to teamed them up with that SWEET sentiment!  They've been stamped on Ranger Watercolor and colored with Zig Clean Color Markers.

Make sure you pop over to the Simon Says Stamp blog for all the STAMPtember® details and to see how my teamies were inspired!