Saturday Finds!

Here is my photo for the Project 365 {my version is Project 52}. I had taken a picture of my beloved {scratched up} Starbucks mug on my kitchen counter but quite frankly, I hate my tile counter tops so I brought it over to my fancy smancy photo studio and did the photo shoot there {you would LOL if you saw this "fancy smancy photo studio"}. Bona shares my love of coffee and Starbucks mugs so I know that she'll appreciate this photo...

Okay, on to some goodies:
Check out the PERFECT-o blog candy that I won over at Stampin' Treats!!! I won it when Laura's daughter Alison was the guest hostess of her blog! See that super sweet cupcake card??!!! That is one of the cutie Moo Cards....I'm going to order some...check out Laura's stash of Moo my do them with my blog header graphic or do the fun assortment like Alison did for Laura....I'm thinking fun...whaddya think?

Now for some linky goodness:

I apologize, next week I'll note who I found the original links from {shame on me}...I surf soooo many blogs that if I don't write it down, I won't remember...

Check out this etsy shop, isPhotography, she summarizes it:

purveyor of little poems for the eyes

It was Ali Edwards' blog that I originally found her etsy shop...

Have you all heard about the Super Hero, Wonder Toast? You just gotta go check out that site....a-stinkin-a-dorable.

Okay, I realize that not everyone has a fascination with chandeliers and furniture images {gasp! say it isn't so....} but I always have to share all that stuff so bear with me:

Chocolate Creative

Lemon Tree Studio...oh my goodness...chock full of fun...but check this little beauty out....what's that? It's sold? What a lucky duck that snagged that sweet

Hmmm....I hate to end on a sad note but thought I'd pass this along in the event you hadn't heard. I started my creative journey with scrapbooking {I've obviously made the jump to the instant gratification}. Well, actually I had always dabbled in card making etc but really started this addiction, for a lack of a better word, when my son was in preschool. I volunteered to be the scrapbook had never scrapbooked. Anyways, I always loved the magazine Simple Scrapbooks and was truly sad when I read this on Wendy Smedley's blog. Let's face it, we all receive tons of inspiration from various blogs and other Internet sources. I don't know about you but I'm hoping that the Internet won't replace my subscriptions. Those of you that have been following my blogging journey know how much I love to blurf {too much...that's how much I} but I haven't given up on my subs..