cupcake kind of day

I've been on a challenge kick the last couple of weeks and one that I have never tapped into is the SCS Inspiration Challenge...shame on me...I've been a loyal follower of Stef's blog and decided to give it a try. I couldn't resist joining in on the fun this week with the name 'hunkdoryhome'. Oh boy, I would soooo blow my weekly allowance in that shop...yup, did you catch that....weekly allowance...trying to do the cash only on my "mad money" purchases. I almost strayed last week if it wasn't for my friend "k" that set me back on track...I couldn't resist some boiled wool slippers that were 40% off, 40% off my friends...and they were PINK. Oy vey...she talked some sense into me {at least that's what I'm telling myself, that she talked sense into me and that I wasn't a fool to pass up that deal...}. Anywho's sorry for getting off track here...I picked the cute cupcake pillow as my inspiration piece. This card is my very loose interpretation of that...I actually used my A Muse cupcake set! I decided to fall back on my clean & simple design sense...the butterfly is awfully bright but I like it...breaks up all the luscious Amy Butler pink. The ribbon is ala a ribbon share that I tapped into awhile back via see that? I'm using my ribbon and not hoarding.....