I'm back and a "woot woot!"

365 Cards
Let me start with my "woot woot!"....I'm soooo very pleased to announce that I have been picked to join the new 365 Cards Design Team!!! Starting on March 1st, join us over on the 365 Cards blog for 365 FAB-u-lous ideas!!!! Please be sure to check us out tomorrow, February 22nd, Pam will begin introducing the 365 Cards Design Team!!! I look forward to working with everyone AND inspiring you!!!

I'm back and ready to be creative!!! I spent a glorious week on vaca..."d" and I went on a wonderful cruise...in fact, I don't quite have my land legs yet...lol. I'll share some pics tomorrow but for now, I have tons of laundry to do {blech} and catching up on my over 1,000+ blog posts in my poor google reader....

See you tomorrow!!