For some reason Kazan's sketch 23 had me stumped...I don't know why, but I had a heck of a time...It was probably because I wanted to use some goodies that I picked up on Peachy Cheap. It didn't end up working out so I used my new Colorbok Owl..OMG, isn't he the cutest? The flower is Maya Road from 2 peas...
Wise Words:
chocolate IS the answer

Berdien's Bonus sketch is fabulous and I definitely wanted to play along...I love working with the cork that I found over at J's dollar spot...now I wish I loaded up on the stuff. All the paper is Making Memories Hul-la-ba-loo...great gift from a co-worker of mine {Hi B!}. The buttons are from my SEI stash, the pearls are K&Co...a couple of peeps told me to use tweezers for the small embellies like the pearls and bling..call me lazy but I just don't take the time to dig them out..they are the SU ones...they make me all crazy because when you squeeze on the tweezers the thing opens up...I'm use to it working the other way...the traditional way...like eyebrow tweezers, kwim? {rolling my eyes...I'm a traditional gal...these new things tend to confuse me...lol}Any big plans for the weekend? My boy has started Spring Soccer...although he's been hit with the stomach flu, he has a game scheduled for Saturday morning...we'll see how he feels. The weather has been so cold & raining here...sooo Washington :)