{hmmm...is there really such a thing? LOL}
Let me start by saying something that you all already know...there are not enough hours in the day to be able to participate in all the fabulous challenge sites that are out there in blogland!
That being said, I've been meaning to partake in the Fabulous Rae's Use it Challenges....well, the most magnficent Kay has issued this week's challenge #16:
1. Use something inspired by Nature
2. Use Polka dots
3. Use your favorite embellishment
4. Mail your creation to someone special.
Kay's challenge was perfectly timed because I also wanted to play in the Moxie Fab World's Lovely as a Tree Challenge. I ordered the fun Jillibean papers specifically for the MFW challenge so everything worked out splendid!
1. Nature = trees
2. Polka dots = aha...I'm being sneaky...there are polka dots on the 1st panel
3. fav embellie = that was a tough one but I opt'd for my
foof-a-la buttons on this card
4. postal = you betcha
I have to admit that when I think of Jillibean I think of the Fab Ingrid....I was trying to channel her style...I looked, okay anaylzed, all her Jillibean cards and well, my "cream of mushroom soup" card doesn't look anything like Ingrid's style. I was definitely inspired by her...that's even beh-tah....being inspired by another artist but putting your own spin on it.
Thanks for taking the time to stop by....sorry this post was sooo chatty...what can I say I've already consumed at least 3 cups of coffee already :) Okay, off to pour another cup of java...Have a super week!!!