
Good Sunday Morning to You!!!

Sunday's mean 365 Cards Super Sketchy Sunday!

I tell you, today's sketch initially threw me...I couldn't think of how I wanted to tackle it...basically, I was thinking too hard, kwim? Then it hit me, I was going to make a tri-fold card using Pam's sketch and then things started rolling for me.

I'm trying to comfortably put together a stack a birthday cards for my nephew. What I've done in the past for his sister's is design 18 cards...1 for each of their birthday's {until they hit 18} and have different family members write in them. I typically have the greeting part done during the initial baby shower before the kid is even born but this is baby #3 and sorry dude, I'm not on the ball. Let's see, Baby C has already past his 1st birthday but hey, it's the thought that counts right?

Okay, anywho's....What a fun birthday boy card...October Afternoon's Night Light Louie which I picked up at Limelight. The designs are fabulous...1 side is fun and the other has great graphic-y the stuff. I think that Ms. Lauren is going to love this monsta card :) Those little guys are on glue dot pop dots..hope it doesn't scare my 'lil guy...

Next up are a couple pics....for the past couple of years I've been taking the kids to a fancy smancy restaurant for their birthday's. This year we ventured to the same restaurant but a different location {darn bridge work...I hate traffic jams}. I love going to restaurants on the water...seriously, who doesn't? The kids always get chix strips/ day they will love & appreciate seafood...oh that's right, my daughter had fish & chips this time...

Here's the birthday boy in all his cuteness {okay, so I'm a smidge partial}..

Can you tell that my daughter hates getting her picture taken and that the boy is a ham? My boy took my's now my new blog pic....funny story, my previous one that was black & white? My hair is never that daughter curled it for me that day and I had the boy snap a photo....want to know an even funnier story? My mother hated that pic...said my nose was huge...sigh...gotta love them, right? So she made up for that comment {although she did repeat it at dinner on friday night}...she loves this pic that the boy took of me and was waaaayyyyy too excited for me to replace the black & white one with it...LOL...
Here's a pic of me and my Momma {bahaha..she hates being called Momma..take that Momma!}..oh I crack me up...if my kids ever read my blog, which they don't, they'd be horrified that I posted their pics AND rolling their eyes at me right now.

Okay, that's it for today...thanks for stopping by!!!