thanks a bunch


I'm back with
Dawn's Raspberry Challenge #13.

I was going to dig through my various stashes of pattern paper for this challenge but boy, I tell you, it was much too hot for that. I went easy smeasy clean & crisp! I used retired SU Riding Hood Red dp for the flowers and Certainly Celery for the leaves. The buttons are from my vintage stash and the rub on is SU. I'm trying to consistently "dress up" my buttons so decided to slap on some Kaiser Craft pearls this time.

We're expecting a high of 97 degrees today...last night at 10 p.m. it was still 88 degrees...ick. For you peeps that live in year round hotness, how do you do it??!!!

Come on back's my day over on the 365 Cards blog and remember it is Reader's Appreciation week! I'm teaming up with a crafty gal!!