Just Chillin'

The other day I did some power shopping at Impress. I finally picked up the Making Memories Just Chillin' pad {ggrrrr...only to see that they were 30% off at M's...that's okay...I'd rather give a local company my $$}.

I had a ball with the
Card Patterns Sketch 26....I did a ton of sewing on this puppy...see it...yuppers, 7 lines of sewing!!! That is a record for me...let me tell you a story...these things are bound to happen when somebody takes a power nap for 3 hours on a Saturday afternoon and then surprise, surprise can't get to sleep that night until 1 a.m.'sh...Yes, the fans are still going in my place so I was sewing up a storm around midnite..LOL.

I should add something else so you don't think I'm such a lazy bum for taking a 3 hour nap....during the week I typically get 5 hours or less of sleep a night...I desperately need the weekend to catch up...yes, I've heard that there isn't a thing about catch up sleep...whatever..

Just a funny little story that I need to add so that I can remember it later down the road...totally not crafty oriented. On Sunday morning I was doing some raking in my yard...there was a pile of leaves that needed to be bagged up {I hate yardwork!}...anyways, I'm minding my own business {insert here that is is 8:30 a.m.}..when I spot a SNAKE...it was huge...okay, maybe not huge but I started well, screaming like a girl...long story short my boy came out to help his momma out...only to then rush over to find the dead mouse he spotted earlier to try to feed it to the garden snake...all the while I'm almost shrieking because I'm afraid he's actually going to touch the dead rodent {he was using branches like chopsticks...thatta boy!}...Let's just say that the kidlets chuckled about that for much too long...and well, I was exhausted after the entire episode :) No, I didn't take a nap although it was tempting :)

Okay, so here is my blog candy day #2:

woot woot!

American Crafts Thickers & Flair!

Aha...I'm a huge fan of both...I'm especially partial to the Vinyl Thickers...check out the fun retro flair :)

Okay, you know the deets...leave me a comment...commenting open until midnite tonight....internationals are welcome.

Good Luck!