This is my first time playing with a Taylored Expression Sketch Challenge! I seriously LOVE this clean and simple sketch and can see myself using it over and over again.
I used Jenni Bowlin 4x4 papers along with the black striped SU grosgrain {LOVE that stuff}. Isn't that the most adorable Hero Arts penguin? I scored on it at my local Ben Franklin Craft Store, it was 50% off...wooooo hoooooo.
Okay, my man is wayy tooooo good to me....check out what he picked up for me:

The newest, latest & greatest iPod Touch!
Sheesh, I feel like one of the 'cool kids'....both of my kidlets each have one of their own but I never did buy myself one....I have to admit that it is fun to have a techie man in your life :) He understands my whole obsession with blogging/blurfing, loves to share techie things but when it all comes down to it...he is a good man...super spectacular...he is one of those guys that always wants to help, always holds the door open for me, we crack each other up...I love him to pieces.
Thanks 'd'!!!!