First up is the 365 Cards Torendi Week Color Challenge:

The a-dorable owl is from the You're Tweet set from My Cute Stamps:
Ready for it???
Wooooot Woooooot!!
OMGoodness...I had sooooo much fun putting this card together!!! The Cosmo Cricket Earth Love paper, American Crafts card base and the Shinzi Katoh "joy" Linen tape is from the Torendi October kit!!! Oy, that linen tape is over the top stinkin' CUTE!!!
Sooooo....are you wondering about my title?
Cranky Joy
No, I'm not{actually maybe a on} it is referring to the fact that I hand cranked my Janome sewing machine wheel around all the elements that have stitching...
1. It was super super early in the a.m.
2. I'm not a seamstress...I'd totally mess up if I didn't hand crank.
I can't wait to see what YOU do with the 365 Cards Torendi Week color challenge...
Okay, onto a very NON-Crafty oriented subject:
T-Mobile Sidekick
I certainly wouldn't consider myself a techie person but what I AM is highly dependent on my address pictures...**poof** they are gone.
It actually all started the day before I left for Florida...for a majority of my trip I didn't have my addy book, my email, my internet...well, my email/internet has been restored but everything is gone..I realize that in the 'big picture' having cell phone issues is small compared to the other bigger problems in the world, but if YOU have been hit by the Sidekick mess...please let me know OR if you are currently a T-Mobile customer and have a phone that you just love, please let me know:)