
Happy Thursday!!!

Today is my day over at 365 Cards...

Do you know what I like?

A Good Challenge...are you ready for this one ladies??

4 Elements

Divide your card into 4 parts representing the 4 basic elements:

water, fire, earth & air

I can see those wheels turning...

Here's my take on it:

I went with a color inspiration for the 4 elements. I'll be honest with you, I was originally going to paint the inchies to reflect the colors but quite honestly I came home late from work tonite {I'm typing this up on Wednesday nite} and just didn't have the time to start slinging the paint around. So I dug around my PTI Vintage buttons and found all but 1 for this particular card. The red one is a vintage one. This 'lil number is a petite 3x3...see those swiss dots? :)

Oh yeah, what I didn't tell you is this is the 2nd one that I made for this challenge...

I didn't read the deets correctly and totally dropped the ball on the "4 parts" when I originally made my first card:

I thought I was being so clever putting that 'vintage' thank you metal embellie on my 4.25 in x 4.25 in card.

I'm just glad I realized it in time...don't want to be a rebel :)

So put those thinking caps on my friends...I can't wait to see what you come up with!!!!