deck the halls...

Okay, I love this sketch by Laura...I continuously seem to be smitten by scallops..
It ended up being more of a challenge and at first glance you might think, hmm...a wreath, that's nice.
Well, that wreath started out as Making Memories Glitter Leaves...

My intention was to use the sprig in full but it was too big and a snip, snip here and a snip, snip there and voila! It became a wreath! I unearthed some stickles to use as the holly berries...

I used MME and Bo Bunny papers...the journaling square is has faux stitching on it but all the other panels I machine stitched. Check out my old skool scallops:) Gotta love that Fiskars template...I remember as a young kid I use to LOVE stencils...I guess I still do:)

Anyways, I topped off my card with SU Alpine felt ribbon...come on SU execs...don't you realize when you HAVE a good thing? IMHO, they should carry this stuff year their 48'ish colors...I actually gifted a spool of it to my DEAR friend LB...she saw this card when she was over and actually gasped at the ribbon...not at the for her bday I gave her one of my spools...she knows that it is discontinued...she knows what a big deal that was for me...the hoarder...

So there you have it...I definitely had a BALL putting together my 2S4Y DT Call cards...I couldn't be more thrilled with Laura and Kazan's new additions to their team...come on...those ladies are fantabulous...{a big woot woot to my fellow MCS DT Member Sarah Martina!!!!}

Thanks so much for stoppin' by!!!!


Rose said…
oh this is fabulous! so glad you said how you made the weath :0)
Martha said…
Wow, beautiful Amy! I haven't made any Christmas card yet!!
Sherry Eckblad said…
Lovely especially that wreath and you even sewed on this one. And you are right that ribbon is wonderful they should defintely bring that back.
Dora said…
I love the colors, and the center of your card,great how you make those leaves!
Naomi Chokr said…
how cool!!! that wreath caught my eye!!! i love how you snipped here and there and it still looks great. i would have just tossed it. whenever i do that it end up bad
Kay said…
You made that wreath?!!! WOWZA girl!!! It's beautiful!! I've seriously got a thing for scallops, too. Scallops and just can't go wrong! Darling, darling card, Amy!! ♥♥ Kay
Laurel said…
This is so pretty! Love your wreath!
Courtney Baker said…
Cool wreath it's so fun! I agree this sketch looks easy at first, but I had a hard time too!
Kristie Larsen said…
pretty ingenius way to put together a wreath. You are craftY!
cnelson said…
I'm so in love with this!!! That warm fuzzy felt ribbon...divine....the scallops...yummy....the stitching...perfect...and now let's talk about that is looks like an elegant broach! FABULOUS!
lauren bergold said…
oooh: LOVE the sketch... (oh yeah--gimme scallops--anytime, anywhere!)...♥LOVE♥ the card...especially looOOoOOove that awesome wreath!!!!!

but oh the agony and the ecstasy: you've shown me the coolest felt ribbon EVER...and it's discontinued. awww maaaaaaaaaaan. but clearly, there is nobody gonna ROCK this stuff better than YOU keep a-hoardin' it missus, keep a-hoardin'!!! :)
Julia Aston said…
I love this ribbon too! as well as your cute house DP! and what a creative wreath Amy! it came out just super! great sketch card GF!!
Kelly Booth said…
Super card Amy...Love the little wreath and the colors you used!!
Rose Ann said…
Ohhhh I love your beautiful wreath, Amy!! Pretty card!!
Anonymous said…
Oooh! Great card Amy! That ribbon is definitely way high on the yummy scale! I'm a self proclaimed ribbon fiend, so I can definitely see why you'd want more of this stuff. :-) Man, those MM glittered leaves are calling my name... LOL! Thanks so much for the shout out, girl!
Anonymous said…
Wonderful card, and the wreath is great, ok so it the ribbon :) great job putting it all together.
Dana Gustafson said…
Love your leaves turned wreath! And yeah, that felt ribbon is a winner. So sweet of you to share with your friend :)
Sandra MacLean said…
I'd say you were also smitten with polka dots girl!! There are three types in this card alone! :) But they make me smile.....
Elise said…
I'm smitten with YOU you funny crafty the craftress! I love reading tales from "your process!" Such entertainment! {Who knew!} Anyway, here's my best Austin Power's: "Yeah, baby, YEAH!" I'm with you on all of the obsession stuff! We LOVE our paper crafting MATERIALS ~ Oh, yes we do! You command yours with precision and wonderfulness, and this card is no exception. Fantastic holiday fun and a terrific resolution to that sketch challenge!

BTW: I would love to join you for a think tank SUGGESTION session with the management of S/U! just to figure out why they always seem to "kill a good thing" just when it's really getting popular! (I have not yet forgiven them for killing the Hula Girl set of '07, I believe...) What up with dat! They NEVER consult me! Doh!
Sparkplug17 said…
Your card is gorgeous! Wow, you amazed me with the wreath. And props to you for parting with the ribbon. :)
bethchien said…
I feel like I haven't been over here in forever! lol
Loving all the cards, babe! And that one below that Lauren sent you is wow!
Joy said…
pretty Christmas card for the challenge. love that wreath! so cute! great take on it! TFS!
Regina Easter said…
well i think it came out totally fab rock...hugs
♥ Audrey ♥ said…
Just been browsing thru'...such beautiful cards.... never ceased to be amazed at your creativity in cardmaking!
Ginny Larsen said…
loving that snipping you did! it looks fabulous :D

and oh how i love felt! this ribbon is amazing--i'm amazed at the fact you even gave it up :D
Carolina said…
Love that wreath and it's framed just perfectly!
Cindy Lee said…
Oh my....such a cute Xmas card, Amy! Love the wreath and you are just too sweet to share the precious ribbon with your friend :)
Kim Dellow said…
Oh that is just gorgeous Amy! Love the wreath. Kim
Anonymous said…
Gorgeous Ms. Amy!! Love that sparkle-rific wreath and yes, that oh so yummy ribbon!

(-: Heidi
ivy said…
i can't believe you are still making scallops the old skool way! too funny!
Elaine said…
Oh Sweetness! I hope you got that ribbon when it was on the clearance page!! lol Love the addition of the felt texture - scalloops are definitely YOU!! (so keep up your fettish with the big round 'uns)