housewife...RAK...deets about candy...

Welcome to 365 Cards Super Sketchy Sunday!!!!

Well, last week's sketch was a bit tricky...this week's:

This week's sketch is...oy.

I looked at it and looked at it....and decided to just take the leap and well, get sewing:

Yup, each of the strips of brocade Graphic 45 is stitched down to the red panel....I added the ZVA flourish to add a smidge of 'bling' to the 'lonely' side of the know you are getting old when you can't really read what's on a die cut...good grief, the text size on the "housewife" piece is soooooo tiny...something about 'Our new doily...stamping outfit' does that translate to? LOL...

I'm actually going to be sending this to a friend of mine...she has made the decision to make a career at the end of the year she'll be leaving her job....she'll take a couple months off and then do 'something new'....pretty exciting if you ask me...I'm happy for her...we have been cracking up about her becoming a housewife...if you knew this girl, you'd know that she's always been career driven. It will definitely be a huge change of pace for her. I know that everything will fall into place for her......shouldn't we all be doing something that we love?

I'm going to share a RAK that I received from the very lovely Elaine. We met through a ribbon share that she had on her blog...probably about the same time I started blogging...I feel like I've known Elaine for-ever. This gal CRACKS me UP!!!! I met up with her during lunch on Friday and we were laughing the entire time {we were ninja shopping..LOL}.

Anyways, here's the most fabbie card she hand delivered to me:

Isn't it absolutely fantabulous??!!! Check out all those magnificent flowers and all the details...pssstt....the girl can shop..LOL.

We've been actually talking about something to do to gather some ♥♥Pacific Northwesteners♥♥....a shoe box card swap? a mini garage sale {somebody's old is your new!}....whaddya think ladies??? What a great way to get together and have FUN! Leave me a comment and let's start chatting about it...I was thinking of something AFTER the holiday' January.

*****please look for a separate post today for blog candy winner deets & the week's new candy****


Sherry Eckblad said…
Amy - I know exactly what you mean about that sketch. I don't know what Pam is on but she is coming up with some crazy sketches. You did a fabulous job on it, but then you always do.
Evelin said…
love your take on the sketch, though I think I'm sitting out from yet another of her sketch...LOL... this is a toughie! :P

That and also cos I'm kinda super busy lately.... :)

Muacks, sista!
Laurel said…
Wow love your take on the sketch! Fabby!
That was a tough sketch! Your card is fabulous!!

OK, I live in Eastern Oregon.. I 'might' be up for a get-together, and just so happen to have lots of stuff I would love to trade, or sell or whateva! Also have tons of projects that could use some 'time' on:) Just depends on dates, etc. My mom lives in Seattle - if that helps (location, location, location)...
OK, I live in the midwest, so no can do! But it's a great idea, and wish I could!
Diana said…
That's a fabulous card. When I was looking at the sketch for today's challenge, I have no idea about how to make a nice card. But you did a great job! Thanks for the inspiration.
♥ Audrey ♥ said…
Wow! Talk about a very girly card! Very delish!
Aimes said…
Talk about rocking a sketch! I LOVE your sewing - it's so appropriate for the theme of the card! LOL! That blingin' flourish is the perfect finishing touch!
JenMarie said…
WOWza, FABulous girlie!
Sparkplug17 said…
You did awesome with the sketch! Your friend will love it!

I am totally down for whatever. A shoebox swap sounds like fun.
Allison Rankin said…
Wow...this is a hard sketch but you did wonders with it!
Rose said…
you did an awesome job with the sketch!! and all that sewing? NOT for me to do!! lol
Kay said…
YIPPEE!!!! Thank you SO much Amy for the beautiful Studio G stamps!!!! They look absolutely wonderful and I can't wait to play with them!!! FUN, FUN , FUN!!! You are WAY too generous, girl!!!!

Your friend will love her beautiful "housewife" card! Gosh, amazing job on that sketch!!! ♥♥ Kay
Great job!
Love your take on it.

I hope to find time to stamp tonight!
Gloria Stengel said…
Girl, you are the sewing queen! That is so pretty! I love what you did with that challenging sketch!

How about Pacific Coast then I can play in the swap. LOL CA is still attached to the mainland...right? And we have not been sold to China or North Korea to pay off the state debt! giggle
Kristie Larsen said…
ok, that was pretty smart to use similar patterned paper but in a lighter color to put in the strips. its SO effective!! really beautiful card with lovely bling!
Kelley Eubanks said…
This is gorgeous Amy!! Love the sewing and that bling!
Cindy Lee said…
Great take on the sketch, Amy! Love the touch of bling!
Anthonette said…
Your card totally matches the sketch! Love the real stitching and bling.
Latisha said…
That sketch looks so hard, but girl you totally rocked it!! I wish I lived in Washington..a shoebox swap sounds like so much fun!!
Anonymous said…
SO gorgeous Amy!! All that stitching and bling is just awesome!

I would love to be a part of PNW get together! It all depends on whether I can get away or not.

(-: Heidi
Ginny Larsen said…
ooh fun! i'm in for anything :D glad you were thinking Jan... i'm swamped til then :D

great card for the sketch--you make these look easy!

and Elaine's card is so pretty... love the flowers :)
Dora said…
Love the bling swirl, perfect card!
Tina said…
What a challenging sketch! You did an awesoem job with it, it's perfect.
Elise said…
THAT'S it... I'm moving North to HANG with you! {heh heh}
SERIOUSLY, though, Amy/dude! Bet it would have been fun to be a fly on the wall for THAT meeting! Elaine's card is LOVELY! And then you, YOU lil' sketchy SKETCH ARTIST! HELLO! I love the way you tackled that baby! GREAT sewing work! Wahooo!
Winter said…
So pretty! Love the bling! :)
Sherry Eckblad said…
Love the fa la la stuff. This is too cute and thanks for the opportunity to win it.
gocanucksgo said…
Hey Amy! Great work on the sketch. I love all the stitching detail. The card from Elaine is so fun looking! Thanks and keep up the fantastic work =)
Judy said…
The holiday card kit looks cute. Thanks for a chance to win this kit.
Pia said…
wow what a great cards
Janetcraft said…
Wow, great sketch and it's a hard one! Not easy but you made it so easy..great super duper card!
Tracey said…
Fantastic card with such a difficult sketch....the black bling is the perfect touch!