wishing you a joyful christmas...

Caardvarks...another challenge site that I've been behind on....I had to join in on the fun for their latest challenge:

Some of you Target fans might recognize the glitter snowflake..oh wait, aren't we ALL Target fans? Anyways, I picked up a couple bunches of the snowflake ornaments last year at Christmas. The paper and epoxy embellies are Basic Grey Eskimo Kisses...sheesh, I love that name...just makes me chuckle. The snowflake epoxy sticker is stacked on top of a button for a little more omph..or is that a little more postage...more on that later.

Check out my latest happy mail...all the way from Croatia!!!!

These have got to be thee most darling fimo buttons...Thanks Jane!!!!

{speaking of Jane, the girl is on FIRE...check her out at Squigglefly!!}

Okay back to the post office convo....why is it that most of my cards are considered parcels...darn embellies...any bumps and bam...up goes the postage...I spent some 'quality' time at the post office on Monday...$15 later and I was on my merry way...sigh. On a postive note, I actually did NOT have to wait in line...wwhhhaaattt???? I know...karma...

Have you popped over to 365 Cards? We're celebrating with Paper Popsicles week!!! I'll be back tomorrow with my Paper Popsicles project...


yyam said…
I love it! So dramatic and totally X'massy!

Aye! I spend a lot on postage too...
Vanessa said…
LOOVE IT! Super card, it certainly has pizzaz!

Anonymous said…
How absolutly `Beautiful` Amy..wish we had Target!!!!!!TFI
Enjoy the rest of your week:)xxx
Naomi Chokr said…
was it $15 for one card?? i would have backed away from the counter and just sent this card via email with a picture of what it looks like. haha!

i would have never thought of using that snowflake on a card. smarty pants and yes i have that ornament too. your right who the heck doesnt love target??? cutesy card!!!!!
Amy Heller said…
Oooh, I love this Amy! Great design!
Courtney Baker said…
Way cute Amy. And yes we do all love target, well except for the 6 month ban I put on then a few years back. They wouldn't take something back from my registry and there for they received my wrath in the form of a six month ban. I think it was worse for me.
Sherry Eckblad said…
Amy, beautiful card. Okay now are you ready I am NOT a Target fan. I know sad isn't it. I also don't like chocolate.
Cindy Lee said…
This is fabbie sista!!!
Yes, postage is darn expensive here too.
Laurel said…
This is a gorgeous card, love the glitzy snowflake!
Dora said…
That snowflake is stunning, wow and again you surprised me with the colors, perfect!
bethchien said…
I have used those Target snowflakes for creating too!
pretty card!
and I know about the post office...they said that when my envelope won't go through the letter slider/opening thing, it causes problems...blah blah blah...so it turns into a package. hahah
darn embellies!
Winter said…
So pretty! I think I have some of those glitter snowflakes, I need to get them out! Thanks for the inspiration! :)
Stacey said…
WOW! Loving this Amy! You totally rock girl!

Sorry for being such a rubbish blogging buddy lately, please forgive me?! ~♥~
Janine said…
Amy This is GORGEOUS!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Kelley Eubanks said…
This is beautiful Amy!! I love that snowflake on the circle card!! Gorgeous!!
Sandra MacLean said…
Amy! This card has pizazz and then some!! It's GORGEOUS! It really is!
Dana Gustafson said…
Blinged out snowflake and Jane BUttons?! *sigh* does a post get any happier than that?? Lovely circle card...you certainly have the "pizazz" they asked for :)
Julia Aston said…
What a super round card Amy - love that snowflake!
Elise said…
AMY! You crafty lil' craftress! You slay me! Or is that "sleigh" me! Fabulous, you fabby, princess! I feel the circle of completion when I gaze upon your fine work! Tee Hee And as for TARGET! {I live about 5 mins. away - it's my home away from home!} FANTASTIC find and wonderful crafty creation! Okay then. Enough adjectives for me - I'm tired! Tee Hee HAVE A CRAFTY DAY!
Martha said…
Wow Amy, what an amazing card!!!
Unknown said…
oh i think I have those snowflakes!!
Ginny Larsen said…
oh my GOSH! i LOVE this card! i gasped when i saw this in my reader preview box--had to hop on over here ASAP! you are just so talented :D
Giselle said…
Beautiful..!!!! Love the big glittered snowflake..!!! :)
Kristie Larsen said…
ooh! I love this one. great glittery goodness. and the circle just makes it sing!
Sparkplug17 said…
Your card is gorgeous! I love your snowflake!
Tina said…
Joyful and perfect, as always. Love the sparkle snowflake.
Janis said…
Love your latest creation. Here is Hawaii, we've just fallen in love with our very own Target in recent months. Thanks for sharing!!
Lisa Brown said…
This is fantastic, Amy! So pretty!
Regina Easter said…
okay this has to be one of my all time favorites...i love this black girl...hugs
Melissa Sauls said…
Haha Amy! I saw that at Target too and completely talked myself out of getting it...I said, "ENOUGH CHRISTMAS!!" LOL! LOVE what you did here though...just gorgeous!
Angie Tieman said…
Wow! Wow! Wow! That coolio snowflake on the round card is amazing!!! LOVE it!
Sue-ann said…
This is absolutely stunning Amy!! Great circle card!
IvyandRein said…
ahhhh! amy you always give me the prompt time to gget going on holiday cards! bought a TON of those snowflakes for T's last year :)
super cute idea!
Elaine said…
This is my favorite card yet!! LOVE that snowflake! I think I picked some up too...such a cool idea! :)
lauren bergold said…
oof! telling *YOU* to make a card "with pizzazz" is like telling birds to fly!!! have you EVER made a pizzazz-less card??!?! ummmmmmm... NOOooOoOOoOOOoOOOOOOOOO! :)

having said that, this one *IS* particularly cool...and the snowflake emphasizes the round-card design SOOOO amazingly well; not to mention the awesome color palette of silver, pink, red & black!

(ps: i HEAR YA, bigtime, re postage! and don't even get me started on SQUARE CARDS or shape-based pricing on packages!!! arrrrgh! i'm goin' to my happy place...)
ivy said…
LOVE buttons and those ones that jane made look yummy! have fun!

i'm sick & tired of the USPS raising their postage like every year!!! i mean, i know that lots of peeps email & don't use snail mail & it hurts business BUT there's still all of us who actually MAKES cards to SEND!!
Savitri said…
I LOVE circle cards and yours is fabby!!!! The snowflake is just too pretty and yummo buttons! Lucky duck!
Anonymous said…
Holy guacamole girl!! That is one fantabulous circle card! Gorgeous!!

(-: Heidi
Peet said…
wow, love this Amy! Fabulous card!!!
Allison Rankin said…
Beyond awesome...great card!
Ann said…
Wowza, totally fantastic creation, Amy!
Kay said…
Girlfriend, this card totally stopped me in my tracks! LOVE the round scalloped card base with this GORGE snowflake!! Man, this is one lovely card!

Strange...I was at the post office Saturday morning and guess what? No line! What's going on?? Hmm...whatever it is I like it! ♥♥ Kay
Anonymous said…
Fantastic card Amy! And such a clever use of that snowflake!
Amy C said…
Absolutely fabulous card!! I love the way you have used the snowflake ornament on it.