I'm back home and 'get' to go back to work today...
I flew back last night but was just too tired to post any CHA pics....on a side note, I'm officially a Glee{k}....love that show...love my iPod:) Makes for a bearable airplane ride.
Okay, anywho's...I have a ton of pics that I'll be sharing over the next couple days...Here are a bunch from Sunday..
I finally got to meet Latisha and Jenn!
Thanks again to Jenn for the FABulous opportunity...I had such a magnificent time...like a kid in a candy store....
Bree! Aha....we finally got to meet each other....we were actually in Florida the same time in the fall but the timing never worked. Dang that girl can talk....crackin' me up!
Yahoo...me & Tiff! Look how cute she is!
Wouldn't you know that I'd show pics of Cosmo Cricket?!!! One of these days I'll get a fancy smancy camera.....but for now you'll have to bear with me and my point & shoot:)
I'll always love Cosmo Cricket for their great designs....
I have got to get some of the decorative pulls/knobs...I noticed those on several projects throughout CHA..
LOVE the Material Girl line...
Okay, this is where I edit that I don't like the pic of me...I was seriously trying to stifle some huge laughter because that fabbie Julie is kneeling....yup ladies, Julie in a dress is on the ground kneeling....poor Eric was trying to get her to stand but that girlie is about twice as tall as I am...LOL...tooooooo fun...and BTW, Julie looked magnificent...
Hero Arts...oh boy, love their stuff...
What's Perking?LOVE it!!!
Okay, OMGoodness....me & Lisa Spangler...good grief...I've been a ginormous fan of hers...not just for her Hero Arts fame but for ALL her craftiness {Have you seen Orly & friends??!!!}...and her great photog skills...love her pics of Japan!
Pink Paislee is up next...okay, who wouldn't want to stock up on the Queen Bee line??!!
I'm a touchy feely 'shopper'...so I'm checking everything out...touching the stuff and I hear a "Can I help you with anything?"....I swing around and it is Caroline Ikeji! Check out this Pink Paislee beauty...
Yup, another decorative pull/knob...
I'll take that birdie...
...and this....

Next up....Tim!!!!
We stood in this long, long, line....but it was all sooooo worth it! Dude is so cute and crafty...oy.
The displays throughout CHA were incredible...
This is a shot of Tim's booth...check out the Chandies ladies...for those of you that have followed me before, I love chandies...
Grunge Coat...sheesh, amazing...

That's it for pics today...I'll have more...thanks for stoppin' by...remember to check out my Jacksonbelle post!