

What a fun Laura sketch:

I flipped it:)

I have a passion for Pink Paislee!!!

Why yes, I did make that feltie heart...LOL...I should have handstitched it BUT I was right by my Janome and it had white thread all ready for me...

Pink Paislee...have you seen the Jana Eubank studio tour? oy...that would be MY dream space...Have you downloaded the debut issue of Live Pink yet??

non-crafty stuff...

I ended up adopting a new Motorola Cliq. Quite the change for me but I love it...except for the greasy pork chop finger prints...LOL...

I'm still busy prepping for the gift show...I had my boy helping me out while I was literally running around like a chicken with her head cut off...between getting ready for the show, I made dinner, cleaned up, put together a couple cards...all in time to watch American Idol...I try hard to cram everything in that I want...LOL.

Have a super day peeps!!