hooo loves cupcakes?

Woot woot for the weekends!!!

Here is a sketch from the recent Paper Crafts call...

I had sooo much fun with this one...who wouldn't with new goodies to play with?!!! I'm soooo lovin' the MME Quite Contrary line...

I don't know if you can tell, but I blinged up the Owlie's belly...and there is bling that follows the word bubble:)

This wasn't picked up by Paper Crafts but hey, that's okay...I had fun making it and that's what is important!

Next up is Kazan's sketch 48:

I actually had a different idea swirling around in my mind for this particular sketch but although I didn't go that route, I'm still happy with the end result:

There is a TON of stitching on this puppy and come on...you simply CANNOT go wrong with Cosmo Cricket's Early Bird line with a smidge of October Afternoon...topped off with PTI and Practicing Creativity! You'll be seeing that banner ALOT...love it Courtney!

I hope you all have a fantabulous Saturday...it is suppose to be gorgeous in the Pacific Northwest today!

Thanks for stoppin' by and come on back tomorrow...I'll be sharing my 365 Cards Super Sketchy Sunday Card...I tried a new technique and I didn't hoard something that I recently purchased ...gasp!