The week has certainly flown by....I was thrilled to literally rip open my Jacksonbelle package that I received...yup, the NEW October Afternoon pads!
This card was made especially for a co-worker...she has been trying to get me to jump into quilting...can you imagine me picking up another hobby...another expensive hobby??! Perhaps I'll do that when/if I retire:) Anywho's, my friend is leaving..she was offered a job at, well, a large well-known techie company....bittersweet for me since I'm thrilled for her but I'm going to miss her...I just hope I don't cry on her last day...I'm like that...I'm typically a blubbering mess at movies...good grief, you should see me when I watch 'P.S. I Love You'..sensitive, that's what I call's not like I'm always sobbing but I'm going to miss her...okay, okay....back to the card...she loves monograms and was recently inquiring about bottlecaps so I 'had' to add that to the card...bonus points for de-hoarding too:)
I was absolutely inspired by TESC110:

Now it is my royal decree as Crafty Girl Amy to Crown other Royal Crafting Queens..... I have searched the kingdoms far and wide for worthy ladies and gentlemen that share the desire to pass their crafting love and skills to all the subjects in the kingdom without royal fees or taxes and have found these worthy subjects...
To take up your crown the new Queen must link their blog to the sender of this blog and any future Queens they crown. . If you've been crowned, please send an email to Queen Cindy at and Queen SassyLady at, along with your web or blog address and the website of whoever crowned you, so you can be listed as a Royal Blogger. (If you need the "King" version of the award, let Queen Cindy know and she will email it to you.)
I hope you will proudly display this award on your site, and I thank you for being such a benevolent Queen or King who is so generous to your loyal subjects!
Crafty Girl Laurel... I am humbled and honored to accept this award!! In return, I have searched the entire blogging kingdom and found a loyal subject worthy of this crown... and I would like to award this crown to...