*make a wish*make a wish*

Happy Father Day and Happy 365 Cards Super Sketchy Sunday!

This week our sponsor is:

Lia Stampz

Lia Stampz

There are tons of CUTE images over on her blog...we had a couple to pick from...more on that in a smidge...here's our fabbie sketch:

Sorry about the pic...had to do an indoor one....I picked the 'froggy' image because I wanted to team it up with the fun Prima Umbrella Collection.

The Prima chippies work nicely with the frog image:) The sentiment is from my ginormous SRM stash:) Mr. Frog was a challenge for me to paper piece...he's soo skinny:) All the cardstock is SU...So Saffron, Old Olive and Cool Caribbean...I hope that you'll join us in the sketch challenge!!!!

The kids and I {along with my daughter's friend} spent most of Saturday out and about...we headed over to my brother's neighborhood because they were having a community garage sale day...sooo much fun! We also took the time to see the new additions to the neighborhood....

Goats...like 120 of them! Craziness...it's a way for the community to deal with the weeds in the common areas of the development..

Check out the unicorn goat! Rough life...eating all day...

Next Stop: Wing Luke Art Museum

This is a great Asian Museum located in Seattle's International District. In 2008, the museum relocated to its present location in the 1910 East Kong Yick Building...they have done a superior job on the space...

We ended our field trip with a delicious Japanese linner=lunch/dinner.

Thanks sooo much for stoppin' by...I always appreciate the visit and your comments:) I'm horribly behind on my Google Reader and hope to do catch up today along with a bunch of other projects..oy..but sooooo much FUN!!!