a few of my favorite things...

Happy Saturday Peeps!

I'm trying really hard to not hoard...to use what I have...sigh...this is my latest project:

Yup, I'm finally using my Printers Tray and want a gazillion more...LOL...I had soooo much fun putting this puppy together...it's some of my favorite things....Let's see, let's go top to bottom, left to right, shall we?

1. Starbucks...don't really need to type much about this one..LOL..I've been literally living off of Starbucks at work...my liquid lunch...venti...iced...soy...green tea latte...no syrup...extra scoop of matcha.....mmmmmmm.....

2. Butterfly...still lovin' this trend...

3. crafty...haha...doesn't that say it all?

4. girl...refers to my girl...love her to pieces...

5. bloom...oy, love crocheted blooms..

6. ahhhh...love my man:)

7. banners, banners, banners...the pink sticker says:

the way to love life is to love many things

8. BLOG {a-holic}...if I had enough room that is what that one would say:)

9. cupcake...gotta love them...they make me happy

10. owlies!!!

11. boy...I love my boy...

12. java...see #1

Here's a fun fact...the ATC pieces are not adhered to the tray...muwahahaha...that way I can switch them out....whaddya think about that?! Thrifty? perhaps...but I'll say it's me being crafty:)

You peeps are pure fabbie...I've been oh-so-enjoying your wonderful comments...thanks for all the blog love!!!! For those that have been following me for a while know how much I love birthday's....well, mine is coming up in a little over 2 weeks so I'll be slinging out the candy ladies...watch for it:)