sneakie peek...snail mail for Grace and my boy...

Hey, it is Thursday! We're almost to our long holiday weekend!!!

I have tons to share with you all today so grab a coffee/tea...sit back and read on:)

Check out this sneakie peek...wanna see the whole thing? Pop over'll be worth it...seriously....there may be a challenge and there may be a PRIZE!

I'm a huge fan of the uber-talented Jennifer McGuire...who isn't?! Well, I just recently read about another card drive that she is spearheading...this one for a little girl named Grace. Bottom line, as a Momma I cannot imagine the pain that someone must go through experiencing the loss of a breaks my heart to read stories like this and if I can just help a smidge, I'm more than happy to help out...

I don't have a whole lotta kid-friendly images but the My Cute Stamps, Little Forest Friends, sure is sweet...I paper pieced the cute snail with Cosmo Cricket Nutmeg....the sentiment is my newest addition from the A Muse shop:) I love anything and everything A Muse but man, their sentiments ROCK. This is a wee card...4.25 x 4.25...

Make sure you check out the linkie to Jennifer's card drive....

Next up...a layout:)

Oh I had fun with this one...a cutie pie pic of my boy from 5 years ago AND Echo Park Paper goodness!

This was a trip to {the very hot & humid} North Carolina where my oldest brother and sister-in-law live. All of us, including my Momma...took a roadtrip from where my Bro lives to the Outter Banks and stayed in a house on the beach....w-o-n-d-e-r-f-u-l! I'm the first to say that I LOVE living in the Pacific Northwest but I LOVE the Atlantic Ocean...warm, blue and gorgeous!

I was inspired by the challenge over on Becky Fleck's Page Maps blog:

I'm patting myself on the back for managing a sketch AND color challenge...whew!