Inspired by "Go to Gal" Kim Kesti!

Woot Woot for Monday's!!!!

Monday's mean it is the E.A.D Designs Blog Hop Day!!!

You should have hopped over here from Joanna's blog:

If not, you'll want to start from the beginning, at the E.A.D Designs WON'T want to miss anything....believe me...

This is **definitely** a special blog is the...

Inspired by Blog Hop

"Go to Gal"

Kim Kesti!!!

{I know...seriously f-u-n!!}

We had the opportunity to pick a Kim Kesti card and use it as your inspiration...check out the E.A.D Designs blog for the deets....

I picked this cutie:

I was inspired by:

the design
spotlight of a woodland creature

haha...guess what? I used an, say it isn't so......

OMGoodness...check out the 'hoot a Licious' Stickerz.....toooooooo stinkin' c-u-t-e!!!

I did some creative clipping on the branch {truly one of the many beauties of the Stickerz line}...I replaced the leaves with the peacock colored hearts...

All the patterned paper is ala Cosmo Cricket Togetherness...I've been having fun with the craft felt form design as I hand cut them...whimiscal touch:)

The ribbon is Stampin' Up So Saffron and the button is's one of those that have a starburst in the middle...and the red/white bakers twine..yup, still working on the smidge that was part of packaging that I received....

What's that? The color combo looks familiar to you? is the E.A.D Designs current Farmer's Market Color Challenge....

Woot Woot! I'm pattin' myself on the back for some multi-tasking skillz:)

Well, I'm the end of the blog hop train...did you have fun? Of course you did...LOL...thanks sooo much for hoppin' by!!!!