Before we know'll be December...I promised myself that this year, I'd be more prepared...sigh
I've been eyeing my Echo Park Merry Christmas set and knew that I wanted to use it for today's card...
I decided to keep the card fairly clean to really bring out all the musical can easily be a feminine or masculine card...patting myself on the back for that since masculine cards are always tough for me...
She is collecting Thanksgiving and Christmas cards to be sent to nursing homes and care centers. Now how fabbie is Vera??!!!!
My Grandma was in a nursing home and I visited her as much as boy wasn't born at the time, sadly she never got to meet my whipper snapper of a boy but she did love my girl to pieces...she was her first great-grandkid...back in the day I wanted to get into gerontology....but that's a whole 'nother story...Soooooo....come on peeps...join in on Vera's card drive!!!
I'm still working on organizing and purging my crafty area...good grief, it ALWAYS looks worse before it looks is quite a mess right now as I dehoard my closets but here is something that makes me happy...
It is just a smidge of organizing but I love it....I've had my PTI buttons in their original ziplock baggies...I then would pour them onto my worktop to find thee perfect gem for my project and then take forever to get them back into that dreaded ziplock baggie...all the while having buttons ping on the floor and various other places....{The SWEET owlie box is compliments of the fabbie Ivy of ivyPINK! Thanks again girlie!!!!!}
Now I just have to open up the hinged tin and shake it up a bit and woot woot...there you have it!
P.S. My bookcase is another project of mine...I bought it shipping...can't beat that for a girl without a truck:) but I didn't realize how 'distressed' it my plan is to paint the interior a robins egg'll match the wall in my crafty nook:)
Just in case you didn't hear the news....Skipping Stones Design was able to exceed their goal for the Susan G Komen Foundation Fundraiser!!!!! A total of $1,108.99 has been generously donated by silent auction proceeds, stamp sales and monetary donations....isn't that thee best news?!!!!! I just wanted to do a shout out for my fabbie bloggie buddy Julie Tucker Wolek who donated via my blog by winning the silent auction of my Blogs 4 Boobies Blog Bounce card AND she also did another monetary donation...woot woot for Julie!!!