Winter Fun
I grew up in Canada and remember playing outside in the snow for hours...only coming in for meals and snacks...things have I work full time and cringe when I have to drive in the stuff...they are predicting loads of snow for us this winter...thank goodness I can tele-commute.
I've been having so much fun with Cosmo Cricket's Mitten Weather...isn't it fab with the black?! For you Cosmo Cricket fans....Ellen Hutson carries Circa 1934!!! I had the pleasure of picking my order up...meeting with Ellen (Ellen's daughter too) and Julia...even got a tour! I was kicking myself for not having my camera!!
I was inspired by Mojo Monday 163:
I was inspired by Mojo Monday 163:
Yup, it's me with Mitten Weather Project # 3:) for the Cosmo Cricket December GDT Random draw that will happen at the end of this month.
Okay, onto the Blogaversary Party!!!
Yup, you read it right...I'll be slinging out the candy over the next 3 Saturday's to celebrate my 3rd Blogaversay which is officially today!
Check out this weekend's candy:
1. Scor-Pal
2. 7 Gypsies Paper Pad
3. Four Studio G stamps
I actually want to keep the party small and simple:) Just leave me a comment {only 1 per person} and let me know one thing that you are grateful for.
Commenting will be open until Sunday, November 7th @ 11:59 pm PST...internationals are of course, welcome:)
Thank you all for such a wonderful blogging journey...really, I've been so fortunate to meet so many fabbie bloggie friends, be continually inspired...all while thoroughly enjoying myself...that my friends are a couple reasons I'm grateful for you:)