Howdy Peeps!
I thought I'd pop in here to catch up with ya...I'm horribly behind on my google reader and well, hope to catch up over the glorious long weekend.
I'm no techie {luckily I'm engaged to one!} so when things aren't technically working for me...I can get a smidge you know how there have been all these commenting problems with blogger? I haven't had problems commenting on blogs but people have emailed me and let me know that they aren't able to leave *me* comments...only some peeps...well, I tweeked my settings and BAM got some SPAM {grrrr...don't those trolls have better things to do with their time...I don't want to buy their jewelry or their purses!}....So my Smarty Pants bloggie buddie Julie emails me and tells me that she notices that the blogs that have their comment windows embedded in the bottom of their posts are giving her commenting fits {I'm improvising here}. I actually went to that design because I figured it would help people in their commenting...less 'clicks' I went back to the pop up window comment box and guess what? Those peeps can now leave comments...yahooooooooooooo!!!! need to get a techie job because the peeps over at blogger haven't mentioned your fix!
I don't like to encounter problems on my blog or anybody else's hopefully this might help you out...or pass the word along...maybe it might help other bloggers that are having problems?!
On a side not, what's up with the blogger issues lately? I know...I is a free service...maybe I should make the leap to WordPress finally? me out ladies!!! I actually have a WP site waiting for me...thanks to my honey BUT I gotta tell you, I'm a creature of habit and the thought of learning new tricks to a new blog is well, exhausting....anybody know of WP on-line classes?
Chattie, aren't I? :) okay, okay...let me just end with this....I'm in the process of doing {yet another} major purge of my crafty supplies....I'll slowly start to list them on my be on the look out..
***edited to add: I've listed some stuff...check it out HERE....I have set up a for sale tab***
***edited to add: I've listed some stuff...check it out HERE....I have set up a for sale tab***