
Happy Thursday Peeps...The countdown begins...long weekend for us in the states:)

Here's a Crate Paper filled card...love that schtuff.

The foam letters are Queen & Co...I've been hoarding them...

I was inspired by Tiff's sketch TG020:

I was going to use tags but spotted my scallop punch and thought that would be a fun twist...I topped it off with some stitching and buttons.

Just a reminder that it ends tonight!!!!

**Blogger issues**

I had a couple of you email me saying that you haven't been able to leave me a comment :(

I searched around and found that it seems to be a known blogger issue that they are working on...sooooo hang in there ladies...

Guess I'm one of the lucky blogs...I did tweak my settings so give it a try and let me know if it works:)Thanks Girls!!!!

Okay, might be taking the day off the blog tomorrow...then I'll be back on Saturday with a double post...Card Patterns and The Craft's Meow {did you see the sneak peeks? Check out my side bar}!