this is post 1 of 2 for today...please check out my 2nd post HERE
Friday....Oh thank goodness it is Friday....
Friday....Oh thank goodness it is Friday....
Here's a fun festive card I whipped is for my friend...she's getting married this August...she does check my blog occasionally so hopefully she has already received it:)
I always buy paper with coordinating chippies and then I tend to hoard those this puppy is chock full of them...I ADORE those silhouettes!
Did you happen to catch this on my blog earlier?
Nikki Sivils is doing a FABulous thing...a Scrapbook Supply Drive to benefit the Joplin Tornado Victims! I put together a USPS Flat Rate Priority box and sent it off last Saturday {sooo glad my Post office has Saturday hours} and I plan on sending 2 more boxes! Won't you help and/or Spread the word?