mr and mrs

this is post 1 of 2 for today...please check out my 2nd post HERE

Friday....Oh thank goodness it is Friday....

Here's a fun festive card I whipped is for my friend...she's getting married this August...she does check my blog occasionally so hopefully she has already received it:)

I always buy paper with coordinating chippies and then I tend to hoard those this puppy is chock full of them...I ADORE those silhouettes!

I'm entering this one into the Paper Crafts Gallery Idol.

Did you happen to catch this on my blog earlier?

Nikki Sivils is doing a FABulous thing...a Scrapbook Supply Drive to benefit the Joplin Tornado Victims!  I put together a USPS Flat Rate Priority box and sent it off last Saturday {sooo glad my Post office has Saturday hours} and I plan on sending 2 more boxes!  Won't you help and/or Spread the word?