scrappy saturday 3.0

Please click HERE for my The Craft's Meow August Preview Post!

Karma...I believe that things happen for a reason. 

me and darin

We were meant to be together...

Where has he been all my life...

well, doing his his life...

while I was doing my thing...and living my life.  

He was meant to come into my life when he did...

There was a year that was filled with life events...some good, some bad...some very bad.  I believe I needed those couple of years in between to find out about myself...realize that things happen for a realize what I wanted out of life and who I wanted in my life.

definition from the Urban Dictionary:


The Buddhist belief that whatever you do comes back to you, e.g. if you do something good, something good will happen to you, and vice versa.

Darin is my "something good"...

Join me in some scrappiness?  This is what is up for grabs to a random winner...I'll collect all the entries from Scrappy Saturdays 1, 2 & 3....

2 brand new American Crafts Stamp Sets!

Link up by Friday, August 5th at 11:59 pm PST for a chance at the prize!