Hello, again:) This is my post 2 of 2 for today...you'll want to check out to see if you were one of my lucky winners in the Birthday Blog Candy extravaganza...click HERE.
I wanted to share my layout for today {smiles}...week 5 of 5...high 5 to Amy:)
This layout is actually very very special to me....can you guess why?
::sigh:: I'm using my boy's photog skills again...he does have quite the eye, doesn't he {okay, that could be Momma Bear speaking but....even if I wasn't his Momma, I'd still think his pics were pretty fabulous!}.
I'm really not one to journal on my layouts...I know that I should but typically I try to get away with a title only...this one has journalling...handwritten by my boy. I wanted him to write the "titles" of his works:)
I just gotta insert this in here, but he's the cutest ever:) Oy vey, if he reads this post he'll shoot me, which then wouldn't make him so cute...{sorry for the gross humor}...but you know how teenagers are:)
All the papers are American Crafts Peachy Keen with some other misc AC embellies...the journaling card is Elle's Studio {woot woot for a local girl!!!}.
I was inspired by the July Page Maps sketch:
If you're inspired...please link up your layout...I'd love to see it!!!! I decided to do this as a casual monthly challenge...all linkers will be put in a pool to receive a prize via random.org...one winner per month...you never know, I might be generous and decide to give everybody a little giftie like last month...btw girls, those will be going out shortly..might be after my bloggie break:)
Speaking of bloggie break, just a reminder that my blogging will be sporadic over the next couple of weeks...will primarily be posting Design Team projects...would still love to read your comments though so perhaps I'll have to sling out more candy for some random comments:)
Okay, off to start my busy busy day...well, actually I started it about 2:00 am...grrrr...too much stuff swirling around in the ole brain'ola...couldn't sleep. I'll probably crash around 1:00 pm today...Nap Time!