
Lucky...lucky to be part of such a wonderful community....more on that in a smidge.

I had a bunch of goodies waiting for me to get back from vaca...some new MME {paper} and Webster's Pages {bloom}:

{picture not so good..I'm an impatient grasshopper and want to get this uploaded and it isn't quite light enough outside}

I was inspired by the latest Moxie Fab World Tuesday Trigger...

Girly & Gutsy is right...the colors are so bold and unexpected.  I was having a hard time thinking of what to do so I just did something:)

I was inspired by the colors and the patterned rug.

I was also able to use the 

Ellen's Warehouse Crop with Paper Smooches!

Okay, so I gotta tell you...I was SUPER organized for the crop.  I managed to pack one tote with supplies to mass produce 25 thank you cards.  I cut paper panels, packed embellies & sentiments...stamps...addresses...I was going to make and complete my birthday thank you's..get them ready to just pop in the mail....{{patting myself on the back}}...more on that in a bit.

This is me and my friend Laurel...she's the gal that got married earlier this month.  These are the bridal shower invites I made for her.  We've known each other since 2006, we use to work at the same company and we have each moved on to different employers.  I'm so very glad that we still keep in touch, as she is a fabbie gal.  I might be the person that enables alot of her crafty purchases {that's the kind of gal that I am..} but I also am the one that gives her all my scraps {yes, it is true...I don't keep a majority my scraps}.  She loves them, and I'm all for giving them to someone that appreciates them.  This was Laurel's first crop and function with paper crafters/bloggers.

I left early from the crop since I was going to a dinner party...Laurel stayed til the end and called to tell me how much fun she had and how fabulous all the gals are.  I told her that was how all paper crafters are....such a wonderful community of people.  It is nothing like anything I've experienced before...instant connection...people helping people...lotsa laughing and smiling...

Ellen...everybody LOVES Ellen...she is such a warm and special gal.  I've been to her warehouse several times and finally got a pic with her!!!  She is a true Super Star!

Kim Hughes...are you kidding me...oy vey, where to start?  I was so very inspired when I chatted with her...she is down to earth nice....

Me and my sista Sparkle...okay, she is the sweetest gal ever.  

Whipper snappers:

right:  Becky Olsen

Okay, first up...Jeni...good lord, we've been bloggie friends for awhile now...we live in the same state for pete sakes and we FINALLY met each other...she is beyond FUN!!!!

Becky forget how famous these gals are because they are just soooo incredibly 'normal' about talented...this gal is totally chock full of was cute because she was surprised that I wanted a picture with her...

I had SUCH a good time yesterday...really.  Remember how good I was about packing my projects...I didn't touch all.  I was there for 3.5 hours and socialized the entire

Some things that I went away with...

1.  bought more paper smooches and other various goodies...woo hooo.

2.  There are sooooo many crafty gals that are living their dream....doing what they love....doing what they were meant to how inspiring is that?  Really?!

3.  A ginormous shout out to all the ladies that made Laurel feel so welcomed and part of the paper crafting community...I thank you for that:) 

As I wrap this post up...I'm exhausted:)  Why is it that the blog post writing/editing takes soooo much longer than the actually creating of the project?  I have 20 minutes before waking up the is dedicated to school clothes/supplies shopping...dinner at my momma's but I still have multiple DT projects to get done...TODAY.  oy vey...I gotta get crackin' here...

Thank you for stoppin' by...thanks for poppin' in when I was on bloggie gals are thee best...