peace, love & cupcakes

Happy Saturday!

Here's a cupcake'licious layout for ya:

I made this awhile back and can't remember what sketch inspired me.  Anybody recognize it?  I thought it was a Sketchy Thursday one, but couldn't find it.  So, if you know what it is, please let me know so that I can give credit to the peeps!

Just me hijacking another one of my boys pics:)  He took it at one of his friends birthday parties.....did his instagram goodness...

Do you recognize all the glorious patterned paper?  Yup, Hambly sweetness.  I took the dive and applied for their team but sadly wasn't picked up.  That's OK...I'm one of those peeps that know 'things happen for a reason'.  I've been rejected plenty of times and try to take the good with the bad:)  I feel SUPER thankful for the teams that I am designing their products & challenges..I have loads of fun organizing Flashback Friday Challenges....Life in Amy's crafty land is good.

I do have more news about Amy's crafty land that I hope to share with you tomorrow....stay tuned:)