

The Craft's Meow is sponsoring:

Can you see the holographic embossed snowflakes?

Check out the fun Card Patterns sketch:

I was also inspired by the latest CR84FN challenge:

I wanted to share some pics I took on Wednesday, November 23rd.  I worked 6 am - 10:15'ish that day...drove 30 miles home to pick up my boy and his 3 friends.

We took the Link Light Rail to Seattle..

My first stop was Nordstrom...gotta love the Jonathan Adler display:

I took the skybridge to Westlake Center:

I had a delish lunch at Pike Place Chowder:

I borrowed Darin's iPad and did some quality blurfing:

Stopped in at Papyrus and loved this display of charms:

Yup, the focus of that picture is the Coffee Queen charm:)

We left downtown around 3:45 via the Link Light Rail and probably rolled into the driveway around 6 pm {dropped off the friends, hit the grocery store}....I was thoroughly exhausted but when the boy says to me:  That was a fun day!

It was all worth it:)

Thanks for hanging in there with me for all those that made it to the end...I'm trying to be better about journaling my everyday type happenings....
The winner of Flashback Friday 17.0 has been posted!  Flashback Friday 18.0 will go live on Friday, December 2nd....we have a spectacular sponsor lined won't want to miss out on all of the fun!!!!!