Akemashite omedetou gozai masu.

I think that translates to Happy New Year in Japanese:)

Welcome to 2012!

I can't believe how quickly it has arrived....I know that 2012 holds many new and exciting changes..well, that's my goal.

My word for the year:

thrive [θraɪv]
vb thrivesthriving ; thrivedthrove ; thrivedthriven [ˈθrɪvən] (intr)
1. to grow strongly and vigorously
2. to do well; prosper

{click on image for bigger pic}

I'm liking that word...

I have a ton of ideas swirling around in my head...seriously...

I want to thrive

in a healthy body
in a less is more lifestyle
in my paper crafting journey

Typing about "less is more lifestyle"...I've added a ton of stuff to my For Sale page...check it out...please.  I'll give people quantity discounts...the more you buy, the more the perks.  I'll be adding to it on a regular basis as I purge more and more of my never ending supply of paper crafting goodies.

We're headed to my momma's for a traditional Japanese New Year lunch...looking forward to it and then, January 2nd, the healthy lifestyle will kick in:)