Hi All!
Happy Sunday! For some reason when I popped out of bed this morning at 4 am {I know, I know} I thought it was a work day...Since I'm already up, I decided to put together my blog post. Seems like I have been consistently blogging live on the weekends...I don't really like to do that but it works.
So, I mentioned how busy of a day I was going to have yesterday....My first stop was to meet up with the oh-so-fabulous JEN SHEARS!!!!!!
I don't know about you all but I ALWAYS find an instant connection with fellow bloggers that I get to meet in person...and Jen is just way too fabulous for words. We had a great visit {oh boy, her craft room and home are divine!}...and her sweet girl Hadley took the picture of us {Thanks Hadley!!!}.
My next stop was to join in the festivities for Tiff's Baby Shower...but long story short, I wasn't able to go because of a glitch...grrr....I even had little gifties for the boys...more on that in a smidge.
So as I was driving home from Jen's, I remembered she mentioned a shop that I would be kinda sorta passing by on the way home and to cheer me up that I wasn't going to see the Fab Tiff, I went to search it down.
It is located in what I remembered to be the sleepy town of Sumner {population less than 10,000}...um, it was hopping...like I couldn't find a parking spot so I had to go around and around but by then I was on a mission...my sense of direction is poor {embarrassingly poor} so I 'need' to park close or I 'might' forget where I left my car {hanging my head in shame}....anywho's....O.M.G....soooooo worth the trip:
I know, right?
Sooooooooooo FUN....Before I ever take any pictures in a shop, I always ask if it is okay. So that starts this whole conversation process when I start rambling about my day and how Fabulous Jen is...how I was suppose to go to a baby shower but couldn't....yadda yadda yadda...
Some of my frequent Garage Sale gals mentioned paper Muse to me but I'm such a visual girl that I never made it out there until now and as I told Darin, I'm a huge fan of supporting local business {translation it gives me the freedom to purchase a bunch..} I will definitely be an enthusiastic customer of paper Muse's....
Thanks for reading my novella....sheesh, I'm just finishing up my 1st cup of coffee...can't drink too much or I won't be able to go back to sleep!
So here are a couple of cards that I made for the shower yesterday that will now go snail mail:
I have quite a number of pieces from the Basic Grey Hopscotch collection...I really love the sherbet-y colors and thought it would be perfect for a Baby Girl card.
Nothing like personalizing the card for the baby-to-be:
The glittery alpha is Making Memories...I like that it gives the card a whimsical feel because of the different fonts...
Lillianne's card is based on the Freshly Made Sketch:
This card is for Tiff:
Yup, using Hello Luscious again...the green and pink are such a striking duo....the sentiment is ala SRM.
It's a loose interpretation of the Frosted Designs Sketch:
Seriously, you gals are troopers if you've made it this far....
I wanted to share a surprise when I got home last night:
Ta Da!
The start of my closet organization in my Craft Room:
The wonderful Darin did that wall dealio with some sort of tool....it took most of Saturday morning to complete...I.LOVE.IT. Yes, those are paper trays and yes, I have more that I'll be putting up. The kids said, "It looks like Mom's paper store!"
I'll be surfing Pinterest for some storage ideas for the shelves...baskets? hmmm...clear bins for visibility?
I don't think I'll worry about the white wall for now...I figure when I get all my goodies in there, the white wall won't be an issue...
Okay, that's it...LOL...thanks for hanging out with me.