happy saturday...

Whew, I tell you...this has been one fabulous week....spending quality time with the kids...not having to race around...oh, and I scored on 3 blog candies this week too!  Wahooooooo!

{I tell you, you gotta check out Nina's blog...the girl is CHOCK FULL of talent!!!}

2 SPOOLS of Divine Twine!

$50 Shopping Spree!!!!

One thing that I have noticed since we've been home from the beach I haven't created a thing...not a thing!  I have tons of DT projects due for next week but alas, they will have to wait until Sunday.

Today we are celebrating my Momma's birthday which happens to be Monday.  We're going to a new-to-us chinese restaurant and then bowling...LOL..I know, right?  Well, my mom mentioned that when she was younger, she use to go bowling.  About 2 years ago my brother got my Momma a Wii and for awhile she was rocking the bowling game...So I thought it would be fun to see her skillz in action:)  Pictures will post tomorrow:)

For those of you that participated in Flashback Friday 20.0....the winner has been posted on the Flashback Friday blog!  If you pop over there, you'll see the reason behind this pic:

I just wanted to thank you peeps for everything...really...this week solidified in my mind how lucky I am...I do have a great life and I'm ever so very grateful for it and you chickies are part of that goodness...whether you leave me comments or just stalk...it's all good...

so Thank You.