I've been having fun creating clean & simple cards:
When I saw Tui's card, I knew that I wanted to play along with the gals over at Our Creative Corner:
Tui colored her bloom beautifully but I decided to go with paper piecing. The Martha Snowflake Mat Stack has some great year round patterns...isn't that red geometric one perfect...the pattern is micro and FABulous for paper piecing!
I came across a new-to-me challenge site when I was checking out Julie Smith's blog, Paper and Such:
Catered Crop
Seeing Red Challenge
My sweet red bird is perfect for this challenge!
Paper and Such is the Sponsor for this challenge...Sue-Pah Fun!
Okay...onto super serious stuff here...
I know that I'm not alone in the frustration in the new {double} word verification that seems to have hit blogger:
I am not a robot.
I am just someone that wants to leave you bloggie ♥
With well over 1,000 blogs in my Google Reader, I'll be honest, I'm not a fan of word verification.
{True story, my DD asking me why I was squinting and turning my head funny...YUP, I was trying to decipher the letters on a &^%$ word verification...at this point, I'm thinking anything will help in trying to figure them out...LOL}
I absolutely L♥VE my time checking out blogs full of inspiration....but have strong opinions on word verification vs. comment moderation.
Don't even get me started on using my Google Reader via my phone...ugh, I could not begin to imagine what a nightmare THAT would be with this new verification system. This is where I should insert that I do a majority of my blurfing on my iPod touch...like alotta blurfing....
So here's the deal...
- Do you know that you have word verification ON?
- Why not switch to Comment Moderation?
- Check HERE on how to Turn OFF word verification. {{big shout out to the FAB ladies of Freshly Made Sketches for their post about word verification!!!}}
Have other concerns about turning off your word verification? EMAIL me...let's chat about it.
I could seriously go on and on about this but for the peeps that do NOT use Word Verification ♥ High Fives ♥ ! Not a fan of the new double word verification? Squak about it...maybe with paper crafters uniting on this, Blogger will do something about it...
Thanks peeps...getting off the 'ole soap box now....