thanks...from the bottom of my heart


I'm thrilled that it is almost the weekend...I'm sue-pah tired and looking forward to relaxing this weekend.

I whipped up this card last night...

I dedicate it all to you that have posted a card for Sebastian...who have blogged/Facebooked about Sebastian...who have left the sweetest comments.

thanks...from the bottom of my heart!

No, I've never met Sebastian.
No, I've never met Ginger.

When I originally read about Sebastian on Charlene's blog, I cried...sigh...that's the kind of girl I am...

So I knew that I wanted to get the paper crafting community to join me in Sebastian's Card Drive and as of 7 pm last night, there were 27 cards linked up including some kids that made cards!!!

Now that my friends is super FABulous!

You gals are thee best!

Make sure you pop over to Ginger's...She has another prize AND for you tweeters...perhaps you could help her out {sorry peeps, I don't tweet!}.

 So that's it for me today....keep linking up those cards!!!!!  I dropped my card off at the post office yesterday:)  I think I'm going to get my kidlets to make cards for Sebastian making kids cards...that totally rocks.