LESSology #15-The Bookend Challenge

It's that time again...LESSology posted a new challenge this week:

I'm super excited about our SUPER Sponsor:

If you've been following me for a while then you know that I'm on the EAD Design Team and I LOVE their products.  Check out all my EAD Design projects via Flickr!  Evidently, I have 211 pictures in the EAD Flickr Gallery...LOL.  I tell you, super easy and fun to use...rub-ons and stickerz.  I know, you're saying, "What?  Rub-ons and Stickerz?"...yup.  They are made with vinyl so the rub-ons go on like butter...the stickerz, if you're gentle with them, they are reposition-able...it's a life saver for me...easy smeasy and fabulous.

Okay, onto my project.  

We're a big candle family...love them...can't get enough of them.  I was sad when this Vanilla Cupcake 'ran out'.

I decided to alter it as a bookend:

One of my FAV sets!

I fussy cut just the text since my panel wasn't big enough to accomodate the image...no worries, I can easily use that on another project!

The papers are from Heidi Stock Design's Summer Honey Digital Collection.  For my project, the key was to print them on 'copy paper'...I originally tried to do it with PTI cardstock and it wasn't being too friendly...it was just to heavy/thick.

Here it is in 'action':

I know right, that's some light reading Amy :)  

On a side note, since June is about Grads and Dads, I thought I'd do a shout out for my Dad.  You don't hear me mention him on my blog...he passed away in 1999 of lung cancer, as a non-smoker.  Cancer is a horrible thing, isn't it?  Coincidentally, my Step-Dad passed away the following year of lung cancer, former smoker.  That 2nd book on the right was dedicated to my Dad...he was a Professor of Japanese Literature.  

I had a convo with Lynn about high school graduations...my girl is in the class of 2013...sigh..it's been hitting me as we've been talking about colleges...which then makes me think of my Dad.  I miss him, it makes me sad to think that he never really got to know his only 2 grandkids..I know that they would have learned alot from each other.

Sorry to be a debbie downer here...not being sad, just nostalgic.

Ready to play along?  Link up by July 1st, 11:59 pm eastern...here are the challenge rules...and remember to include at least one upcycle/recycled item in your project!!