Did you see the new Play Date Cafe Challenge?
Check out the all new fun & fresh colors!
Here is how it inspired me:
I colored the Jane's Doodle
I can't wait to see how the colors inspire YOU!
***Special Announcement***
I'm thrilled to announce that my bloggie friend Els is hostessing an online class:
Class kit for the Rock
Your Kit online class
The kits can be purchased at the Ribbon Carousel. There is 25% off on all purchases for class participants! If the winner has already registered and purchased the kit, they will get a refund.
‘Rock Your Kit – the Clippings Edition’ is an interactive online class running over 4 weeks. It is a “stretch your kit “- kind of class, working with Basic Grey’s Clippings 6x6 paper pad, the Clippings Snippets and Chipboard Elements. We will take this kit as far as we can and make layouts, cards, a mini-album, and more. After registration, student will receive access to the class blog, on which there will be two new entries a week. Projects will be explained in great detail with videos, downloadable step-by-step instructions and pictures. Class kits are limited, so don’t wait too long to get yours. The class starts August 15th and ends on September 8th, but can also be followed at your own pace. Content will stay up on the class blog, even after the class is no longer running, and will be accessible at all times.
Basic Grey’s Clippings
collection is a gorgeous line filled with warm colors, vintage flair, layers,
grid patterns, and stitching accents. It is a versatile collection, which fits
both male and female. In our class we will stretch this collection as far as
possible. Be ready to get inspired and have fun creating!
For more information
and registrations: http://bestamped.wordpress.com/online-classes/.
Check out the YouTube too:
Want a chance to win a FREE spot in this spectacular class? All you have to do is link up below...