The Twinery Guest Designer!

I'm thrilled to share with you that I'm Guesting over at The Twinery!

Seriously, how super coolio is that?

I love my Twinery:)

Let's get to my project, eh?

I'm probably not alone when I say that I love the tins that the Target $ spot has...

They are a perfect vessel for gifties galore!

I wrapped most of the body of the tin in various colors from The Twinery:

{m y  p e r s o n a l  f a v!}

Here are pics of the tags that are housed in the bucket...each of them are the same design using The Twinery,  PTI buttons, Jane's Doodles Patterns for Him and SRM sentiments.

This was a super easy project to put together but what's fabulous about it is the fact that it packs quite the punch, dontcha think?  Who doesn't adore a rainbow of colors?!

I would super LOVE it if you'd leave me that fabulous bloggie love over on The Twinery blog:)