hot cha cha

I made this...

because of this....

This was at 7:05 pm last night.

What the heck?

This is Seattle's not suppose to get this hot.

{this is probably where I should insert my disclaimer...I don't like it when it gets above 70 degrees}

So I originally started to make another card and I was just getting to warm {working upstairs} and frustrated so I started all over {downstairs} and did something clean and simple.

stitching and glue dots...adds a little something to the card.

I'll save up most of my crafting until sunday, the high for that day is 77.  

Check out tomorrow's forecast:

Take a look at these numbers:

See....77 degrees in August...that's what I'm talkin' about...not this crazy 90's stuff.

{P.S.  I am grateful for it not getting into the 100's like some of you ladies experience!}

Tomorrow's my day over on the Paper Made Bakery!