wonderful memories...

j u s t   f o r   f u n

So I easily put this card together...

Yum to the colors, right?

I won a whole bunch of goodness last week from Pamela Brown

It was from the American Crafts blog hop...Thanks so much Pamela!!!!!

What's that?

I know, it seems that I seldom create "just for fun"...my plate is full with 8 Design Teams, actually only 7 are active since it seems that Flashback Friday is still on Summer Vacation.  

Things will be changing...slowly...as well, it's just too much for a girl that works full time, has a family and there aren't enough hours in the day.  I realize it is all self-induced and I wish that I could create all day and be on a gazillion design teams but unfortunately,  until I win the lottery, that isn't going to happen.

Here's something that I haven't done in awhile...I want to thank you ALL...for stopping by my little 'ole blog.  I know that you're busy...that you take time out of your day to blog surf...whether you lurk or you leave me a comment, I appreciate YOUR time.

t h a n k   y o u   t h a n k   y o u   t h a n k   y o u