5 Years of Blogging!!!!

I'm so very excited to announce that T O D A Y is my 5th Blogaversary!

I can honestly say that I had no idea when I started this journey that it would be as much fun and fulfilling as it has become.  The paper crafting community is a wonderful place...I am so happy to be a part of it.

Don't you love my Blogaversary badge?  Thee wonderful Karen Baker designed that for me!   For those that have been following me for awhile may remember that back in the day I loved crowns and chandies....she threw in the Mason Jars that I love now and I've always loved tags but check it out....the text on that tag is the text from my very first blog post!  That Karen is a GENIUS!!!!!!

Today's golb ydnac is pretty special since today is my Blogaversary:

It's chock full of Frolic:)

All the golb ydnac is from Paper Issues!!!!!

Remember to check out the shop!

Use code Amy12 for 20% off your purchases!

So here we go:

It'd be mighty nice if you're a follower but it isn't a requirement.

The linky will stay open until Friday, November 9th @ 11:59 pm pacific.  The winners will be announced sometime Saturday morning, November 10th!

Answer this question:

How do you store all your cards that you've created?  I have them everywhere.....help!

Bonus points for pictures!!!!!

My Answer:

no answer, no cool organization technique they are taking over my house:)