walking down memory lane....


I didn't get enough crafting done over the weekend to have posts for my blog!  Isn't it funny that I literally went from 8 Design Teams from earlier this year down to 3 active ones and my crafting has considerably slowed down?  

The other thing is the batteries are dead on the camera and the boy can't find the charger...sigh...it is his camera...I'll have to pick up a charger tonight after work so that I can post some stuff on the 'ole blog!

I thought this might be a fun post...

My first 4 blogged cards!

Photography alone is hugely different which is interesting.  I went back to my blog to see if I was sporadically posting and nope, I started off as a daily blogger and still do blog on a daily basis...taking a vacation typically once a year:)

My favorite card is the Wasabi Chandelier...I can still see that being a design that I'd use today....honestly, that first card makes me cringe but I remember being so proud of myself for starting my blog....I had tried to start one previously, but was so technologically frustrating that it never got up and running.

So how about another golb ydnac situation?

Post your first 4 blogged cards...if you don't have a blog, link your first 4 posted cards using a different forum {flickr, SCS Gallery etc}....


pop back here to link up.

Up for grabs is a "box of shame"...oh man, when I read that over on JJ Bolton's blog I totally cracked up....I'm totally guilty of that...buying stuff because I LOVED it and then....poof....not using them...all the while they sit unloved {cue the violins}.

I want to announce the winner at the same time as the others so this will close the same time that the others do...Friday evening at 11:59 pm PDT.