Full Reveal & CHA Winter 2013

Long post...get your coffee.

I'm doing my Fresh Squeezed Stamps full reveal today...it's the sneak that I posted yesterday:

I'm super lovin' the kraft/white combo...

It really makes the image/sentiment shine, dontcha think?


I'm super thrilled that I was able to join up with everybody at CHA this year!  I feel very fortunate to have been able to go...it's a feast for the eyes because of all the fab new products that you get to see but really, for me and probably for every other girl, it's a mini reunion of bloggers.  

This is how I travel...
I know...no nearby Starbucks where my gate was AND I'm thinking of switching to McDreamy Tully's...LOL

I like to sit in the back of the plane so I can board earlier and essentially climb on the seat so I can hoist my carry-on luggage in the upper compartment...LOL

I guess I should have put these in some sort of order but I didn't....No product pics...leaving that to the professionals...

Susan McShirley of SRM....big fan of SRM...check out my Flickr.

Amy Tan...remember my Ready, Set, Go cards?

Okay, Susan Opel...this girl rocks...I loved chatting with her.

Kelly....isn't she thee cutest?

Cali Ivy!


My washington girls...Suzanne and Sparkle

 Moxie Cath!

Ivy Sandwich...with Cali Ivy and Chicago Ivy
Cali Ivy drove us out to Irvine for Vietnamese Food and Asian Pastries...delish.

Evelin Tee...cutest Momma-to-be!

I totally hijacked this picture from Vera...She is so sweet!  I got to hang out with the fabulous Annette during the show!

Here's another hijacked pic...this one is of me and Ivy at the Lawn Fawn Make 'n Take...Oh yes, I did make something with their SWEET new mason jar stamp!

Annette Allen...this girl is a charm, she was constantly cracking me up!

...another hijacked pic....

We're with the super sweet Jeni Allen...yahooo for another Washingtonian girl!

Love the fun angle on this picture that Teri Anderson took of me and super cute Ashley Harris!

Everybody was sooooo nice....seriously.  This paper crafting community is THEE best.  I'm really proud to be a part of it!!!

I was able to put together a small CHA goodie bag...want a chance to win?  Link up AND leave me a comment about what you love about the paper crafting community!